
Hot Diggity Dog!

It's hotter than a mother outside.
It's 7:45 pm and still 102 degrees!
And last night after 1 am, it was a super warm 85 degrees.
Hogwash, if you ask me.
Hogwash and hot. Hot hot hot hot hot hot. Hot.
Drought - you can suck it! Actually, scratch that. Don't suck it - cuz you've already sucked away all of our rain.
Like seriously, can we please move somewhere where four seasons actually do exist?! Please?!
I mean, I love Texas, but I've had enough of this global warming stuff!
At least let me live by the beach.
Or a lake. Maybe a river.
And preferably ones that aren't dried up.
Please and thank you.

Annnnnnyway, okay, I know, I know. Enough of the whining. Let's get down to biznazz! {That's business for you non-ghetto folks.}

A few weeks ago, the lovely Kim at Kimberley's Quests nominated me for the Liebster Award.
And I had no idea what that was.
So, luckily for me, I have this amazing thing-a-ma-jigg called Google, and it filled me in a little bit.
The Liebster Award is given to up-and-coming bloggers who have a following of around 200 or less.
And when you've been nominated, you list 11 things about yourself, answer some questions, and then nominate 5 bloggers in return {without nominating the person who nominated you}.

Now, winning any award is cool, unless that is - you win the award for worst friend, or biggest procrastinator {which I may actually have a chance at that one!}, but I think the best part about it is seeing what other bloggers' favorite blogs are.
I always love finding amazing new blogs to follow, so I wanted to take part in this award thingy.
And we all get to know each other a little more along the way.

Onward we go!

11 random facts about yours truly:

1. I curse like a sailor. Tried to tone it down. Not happenin'.
2. I love reading. Science, politics, love stories, mysteries - you name it.
3. Cutting the grass is one of my favorite things to do. Weird, I know. I love the smell of fresh cut
4. Cooking is my thang.
5. I learned to drive a standard when I was 17 and that's what I still drive now. Love it.
6. Reese's Pieces that have been chilled in the refrigerator are the shizz! I eat them like no
7. I was in a car accident {as a passenger} on the Autobahn in Germany. Scary!
8. Reasons for writing this blog - I have none. I write about whatever, whenever I want. {Virtual  
    scrapbook, yo!}
9. Big red is my drank. Oh, and wine too.
10. I'm a waterbug and surfer at heart.
11. I just bought fake eyelashes for the first time, ever. Can't wait to put those suckers on!

Kim's questions for me:
{I'm only going to answer five - I've got a boyfriend who's bugging me to go out and do something!}

1. If you could only read one book for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Anna Karenina. I'm only a third of the way through, but it's been touted as one of the world's greatest novels!

2. Spring or Fall?

Spring, fo sho.

3. Would you rather bake cookies or cook steak?

Cook steak. I cook a mean steak.

4. On vacation do you go camping or stay in a hotel?

Depends on the place, but I'm down to do both.

5. What is your favorite burger topping?

Avocado! Hands down.

Okay, time for the lovely nominations:

Make sure you check these ladies out. You will thank me and yourself. ;)

Now for your questions, ladies:

1. If you could go anywhere in the world right now, where would it be?
2. Do you have any hidden talents? If not, what talent do you wish you had?
3. What's the coolest thing you've ever done?
4. If you could listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?
5. What do you love to do for fun?

Also, here some rules. Guidelines.
Rules Schmules.
I know. I hate rules too, so you don't have to completely adhere to them, but it'd be nice if ya did. :)

1. Link back to the person who gave the award to you... they deserve the love too!
2. Post the award on your blog for all to see.
3. Give the award to 5 of your favorite bloggers... ideally with 200 followers or less.
4. Leave a comment on your chosen 5 blogs to let them know they've been awarded.
5. List 11 random facts about your pretty little self and pose 5 questions for your 5 favorite bloggers.

Write away lovely friends! Hope to hear from y'all soon. :)



  1. Congrats on the award girly! I find it hilarious that you love cutting the grass... And GRRREAT choice with Anna Karenina!!!

    1. Thanks girl! You were going to be one of my nominations, but I saw that you already got one! Boo.. lol well good for you of course!

      Have you read Anna Karenina yet? I'm so ready to see how it plays out, but I've been so busy and haven't been reading it as much. Maybe tomorrow I'll be able to get in some reading time!!!

  2. found you through the my beautiful, crazy life blog hop and now follow!

  3. Thank you love - and 102 degrees? Good Lord, remind me never to go to Texas! LOL, but to be fair, we've had plenty of 100+ days here in MN!

  4. Congrats on the award!!

    I am your newest GFC follower from the blog hop. If you have a moment and would like to, you can visit me here The Things We Find Inside


  5. wow I'm impressed that ana karenina is the book you would read for the rest of your life. I read it several years ago and enjoyed it but it was killer to get through so I've got made respect for anyone who reads it. Did you see they're making a movie out of it? Just found your blog and have loved getting to know you better. I'm excited to follow along!

    new follower :)

    1. Lol, yeah I might have picked something else to read if I had already made it through the whole book, but I'm still in the beginning of it. I can see why it's hard to get through though... I keep waiting for it to get more interesting and sometimes I think it might never happen! But it's supposed to be one of the best novels ever, so I'm keeping up hope! Maybe I should have said the Harry Potter series or Twilight...

      And no, I didn't know they were making a movie out of it... that's pretty cool! Do you know who the cast is? I hope there's some hotties! :)

      Thanks for following girl! Have a great weekend. :)

  6. Yeah, I have to say I'm also guilty of #1 - not even going to try and stop! Also, I love that you refer to blogging as an online scrapbook and you have no reason for starting to blog, I feel the EXACT same way :)


Go ahead and leave me some love. Your comments truly do make my day! :)